Archive for April 8, 2011

Coming Soon…

Posted: April 8, 2011 in Misc.

Coming up soon to the Big Wonderful Blog of Awesome (eventually…like, in the next month, or something):

1. Herm Comics Issue #1: Sleepy/Hermy tries on a kimono! And describes his scrotum!

2. A mini-gallery of humorous pictures, including Hippies, dinosaurs, ninjas, and science! (Yay, science!)

3. Rejected Pokemon Valentines Cards w/pickup lines! ‘Cause they’ll totally mess with your childhood memories! And not help you with dates at all!

4. “Lighter Side of Hell” Column: Reasons to be happy and enjoy life (especially if you’re an atheist, ex-JW, or both).

5. Also in the “Lighter Side of Hell” Column: How to be a good apostate.

6. A small collection of The sleepy herm’s written lyrics. Have you noticed I Sleepy speaks in the third person when he does lists?

7. Also, introducing: the “Hippie Atheist Chronicles” column! HAHA! I said “Chronic!” But, yeah, an article’s comin’ up to talk about some of the funniest drug references in pop culture.